Crape Myrtles Texas – Everything You Need To Know

Crape myrtles Texas provide interest and color with their showy summer blooms, attractive winter bark, and colorful fall foliage. There are different varieties, ranging from 2-feet shrubs to huge towering trees. Still, whatever type you choose to plant, you can be sure that Texas Crape myrtle will provide many different shades of white, deep red, and purple to your landscape. 

In this article, we will talk about the characteristics of this unique tree, maintenance, and requirements. Keep reading and you’ll be able to find the perfect Crape myrtle for your garden!

Everything about Crape Myrtles Texas

Basic Information 

Crape myrtles can thrive without any problems in zones 6-10. This puts the tree in the ideal spot for planting it in the area, according to tree services Texas. The roots will survive without any problems, even if occasional cold snaps occur. 

Standard single trunk and multi-trunk varieties can grow about 30 feet in height and 15 feet wide. Texas Crape myrtle is a fast grower, so you can expect about 3 feet of growth per year. Still, there are dwarf varieties that are about 2-15 feet tall, and these are ideal for row planting in home landscapes. 

Full sun exposure is necessary for healthy development, but also for blooming and sustaining the tree. Usually, the first blooms occur from July to September, but some varieties won’t bloom until the first frosts. Flowers are usually white with shades of red, pink, and purple. Due to its stunning looks, Crape myrtle is considered one of the most beautiful flowering trees in Texas


As a general rule of thumb, deciduous trees and shrubs are planted in early spring or fall. By doing this, you are allowing them time to establish before the summer heat or before they go dormant in winter. Crape myrtles Texas are very resilient and you can plant them even during the summer, just make sure you provide enough water. 

The tree is extremely heat-tolerant, so there’s no reason to worry about finding the specific spot for it. Just make sure it has at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Partial shade is also fine but may result in fewer blooms. 

Dig a hole just as deep and twice as wide as the container. Put the container in the hole and center the tree, then backfill in stages. Make sure that the rootball is slightly about the ground level to allow oxygen intake. Planting is a very important step since this is when the plant is the most vulnerable and can easily catch some of the tree diseases Texas

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Pruning & Maintenance

Pruning should be done while the tree is dormant. When it comes to Texas Crape myrtle, that’s in winter. We recommend you hiring tree pruning Texas experts to help you with the task since untrained hand can easily damage the tree. 

The pruning will be done differently whether you own a single trunk, multi-trunk tree, or a shrub. In addition to these specific techniques for each type of a tree, a good cleaning afterward is also necessary. Dead or diseased wood, as well as any branches crowding the center, should be completely removed from the site to minimize the probability of tree fungus Texas showing up.

If you decide to do the pruning yourself, there’s one more thing you need to pay attention to – over-pruning. This is a very common mistake and can quickly result in your tree dying for no reason. In case you don’t do the pruning properly, your tree will put all of its energy into producing new leaves and branches, and there won’t be any energy left for blooms. 

Sometimes, over-pruning will result in larger blooms, but this is not necessarily a good thing. After years of doing this, your tree will start getting more susceptible to diseases and full of knobby growths at the cut point. 



Q: How fast do crape myrtles grow in Texas?

A: Crape myrtles grow about 3 feet each year in Texas. These trees are considered to be fast growers, and this is also one of the reasons why they are favorite among flowering trees. Even though they grow fast, they will also continue to have a long and healthy lifespan in the proper environment. 

Q: When should you plant crape myrtles in Texas?

A: Crape myrtles should be planted while they’re dormant, in Texas that’s in winter. By doing this, you are allowing the root system to establish itself before the summer heat and droughts hit. Young plants are susceptible to damage, so establishing the root system properly is very important. 

Q: Are crape myrtles native to Texas?

A: Malpighia glabra is the native Crape myrtle variety to Texas. It is a member of the Malpighiaceae family, but it is not closely related to Lagerstroemia indica, the most popular Crape myrtle variety. This variety is native to tropical Asia but is also very popular in Texas. 

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Q: Are crape myrtles poisonous to dogs?

A: The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reports that Crape myrtle in Texas is non-toxic to animals, nor humans. Many beautiful plants and trees contain toxins that can be dangerous to dogs and puppies, but you won’t have to worry about it if you decide to plant Crape myrtle. 

Q: Will crape myrtle bloom if not pruned?

A: Newer cultivars will bloom repeatedly without any pruning in Texas. However, in older types, pruning will stimulate new flowers. Still, the general rule of thumb is that pruning won’t interfere with the Crape myrtle flowers or blooms in any way.

Local Tree Experts Overview

Crape myrtles Texas are one of the most popular tree varieties grown in the state. They provide almost everything you’d want from a tree – beautiful looks, nice shade, resistance to diseases, and regular blooms. They are always a great addition to a home landscape, especially if you’re a beginner gardener. Consult with your local arborist to get help with pruning and maintenance!

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