5 Most Common New Braunfels Tree Pests And Diseases

Usually, trees are somewhat resilient to diseases. Still, they get them from time to time and the reasons are mostly stress, previous damage to the tree, and age. The only true way you can take initiative in preventing New Braunfels tree pests is to notice them before they do any serious damage to the tree. It is fairly easy to notice these since we usually have good sight when it comes to things that look out of place. 

Keep reading to learn more about New Braunfels tree diseases and pests!

New Braunfels Tree Pests and Diseases 

1. Oak Wilt

Oak wilt is a very common disease across the whole state in the past few years. It spreads very rapidly and infects tons of trees in the area if left untreated. Usually, trees die very quickly if they catch oak wilt, so early treatment needs to go smoothly. If you notice the symptoms too late, the tree may already be past the saving point and the best thing to do in this scenario is to prevent further infection of the other trees surrounding it. 

The disease attacks the tree’s water supply system. Any type of oak is affected by the disease, but some are more susceptible than others. It eventually shuts down the tree’s water supply completely, causing it to wilt and eventually die. This is one of the New Braunfels tree diseases that require professional treatment, so don’t hesitate to contact a tree service New Braunfels if you notice any of the symptoms. 

2. Fire Blight 

Fire blight is another common disease in the area. It is, however, less common than oak wilt, but it is equally bad, if not worse. The disease usually affects apple and pear trees, but other species are also susceptible. The effects are in the name itself – this disease causes trees to appear like they have been burned by fire. Blossom blight is usually the first symptom, where blossoms start looking like they have been overly soaked in water. 

Quickly after this, the blossom becomes black or brown, signifying that the tree is affected by the disease and that it is seriously damaged. Then, leaves and stems will start changing their color and bending over. This will make a perfect situation for other New Braunfels tree pests and diseases to attack the tree until it dies. 

3. Fungal Conks


Fungal conks are one of the New Braunfels tree diseases you will probably encounter if you decide to plant some trees. They sometimes require removing whole trees in order to prevent the infection from other trees in the area. The conk is usually fibrous and fleshy and usually goes alongside wood-rotting fungus. 

You can find these in the cracks of a tree, bark wounds, or old branches that still haven’t fallen off. Make sure you contact some of the tree services Texas if you notice any fungal conks on your trees.

Related Post: Tree Fungus Texas

4. Hypoxylon Canker

Hypoxylon canker affects many types of trees that are native to the area. Elm, sycamore, pecan, and oak trees are more susceptible to the disease than other trees. It develops very fast and can kill a tree in just a matter of weeks. This disease is characterized by the stag-head condition or the branch dieback. These branches usually end up completely leafless and dead.

Many of the New Braunfels tree diseases are a more common occurrence during periods of drought, and this one is no different. It usually attacks trees that are already weakened by environmental conditions. Bark peeling, sapwood decay, and dark-colored spores are all symptoms of the hypoxylon canker. 

5. Bacterial Leaf Scorch

Bacterial leaf scorch is a less common disease than other ones on this list. It spreads via insects that carry the bacteria causing the disease. The disease affects the water flow between the roots and leaves, resulting in rotting and dying. Sycamores, oaks, and elms are more vulnerable to this disease. 

It is characterized by the scorched tip of the leaves and a yellow band between green tissue. The symptoms are usually noticeable by midsummer when you can start noticing premature defoliation and branch dieback. Affected trees are highly susceptible to other pests and infections, so make sure you consult with your local arborist about it. 

Local Tree Experts Overview

Trees are generally resilient to diseases and pests. However, as they age, the trees become more susceptible to diseases and infections. This is why you need to know how to recognize certain conditions so you can answer properly. Don’t hesitate to consult with your local arborist if you notice any of these New Braunfels tree pests and diseases on your trees. In some cases,  tree removal is required to protect other trees in the area from getting infected.

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