Trees are great for landscaping. Not only do they help spruce up our homes but also give us shade and reduce air pollution. But trees are susceptible to diseases and pests, hence, they require proper care and maintenance to help them stay healthy and live longer.
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Tree care in Fort Worth is pretty similar to that required in other parts of Texas. There are however, some tree diseases and pests that are more prevalent in this city than anywhere else in the country. Here, we highlight the most common tree diseases in Fort Worth as well as the insect pests that infest greenery in this Texas area and how to combat them. Read on!
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Tree Diseases In Fort Worth
There are many factors that can contribute to tree diseases in Fort Worth including weather, stress, pests, infection, or human error. Seek a professional tree service Texas company and have your trees checked and diagnosed right away. Here are some of the tree diseases that an arborist is likely to diagnose in Fort Worth.
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1. Hypoxylon Canker
Hypoxylon canker is a fungal infection that particularly affects the oaks, elms, sycamores, pecans, and other hardwood trees. It has no cure and is more prevalent during drought. When the disease strikes, the branches of the tree become leafless and slowly begin to die.
Early symptoms include bark shedding off of the trunk and branches and formation of dark colored spores on areas where the bark has fallen off. While hypoxylon canker cannot be treated, some tree experts argue that with the help of a professional tree doctor, the disease can be prevented from developing.
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2. Fire Blight
Pears, apples, and other fruit trees in Fort Worth are prone to this bacterial disease that thrives in spring. An infected tree will exhibit blackening of blooms and foliage that happens at a very rapid rate, bending of shoot tips, and sometimes formation of cankers on the darkened branches.
The fire blight disease has no cure but can be stopped from spreading to the nearby trees and plants by trimming or completely cutting down the tree. You can hire tree trimming Fort Worth services for professional edging and pruning.
3. Oak Wilt
The oak wilt is considered one of the most serious tree diseases for oaks in Fort Worth. It attacks all oak varieties but some species like the Mexican, Bur, Chinquapin, and White oaks are more resilient than others like the live and red oaks.
This disease spreads through root grafts and nitidulid beetles and if not controlled, it can kill the tree. Early symptoms include browning and dropping of leaves.
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4. Bacteria Leaf Scorch
Insects like leafhoppers can transport to your tree, a kind of bacteria that causes a tree to block the flow of water from its roots to the leaves, leading to a condition known as the bacteria leaf scorch. This disease mostly attacks the oaks, elms, sycamores, and boxelders and is characterized by the presence of a yellow strip between the scorched leaf tip and the green tissue.
Bacteria leaf scorch may also lead to early leaf defoliation and sometimes a branch dieback. This infection weakens the tree making it highly vulnerable to other diseases or insect pests.
Tree Pests In Fort Worth
Apart from diseases, trees in Fort Worth are also susceptible to insect pests. Below is a breakdown of the most common tree pests in Fort Worth.
1. Chewers
The chewers’ infestation can easily be spotted with the missing leaf tissues. The leaves of a once gorgeous tree will be left looking like a skeleton, robbing them of the capability to make food through photosynthesis effectively. And when your tree is not able to manufacture its own food, it starts to get weak and soon dries up and dies.
The type of chewers you will likely find in Fort Worth include the juniper bed worms, fall web worms, bag worms, and tent caterpillars.
2. Stipplers
Stipplers like chewers, feast on your plant’s leaves. They damage the leaves completely and may even cause them to fall off of the tree, which reduces its capability to manufacture the energy needed for its growth. The most common types of stipplers include spider mites and lace bugs.
3. Borers
Another type of tree pests in Fort Worth that have been wracking havoc on greenery are the borers. These drill small holes into the stem of your trees, making it impossible for the plant to transport nutrients from the roots to the leaves. The result is a tip dieback, which adversely affects the overall health of the tree.
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Tree Service Removal Overview
Tree diseases and pests are a common occurrence in Fort Worth, Texas as it is in other parts of the country. But with proper care and maintenance, these can be prevented and your trees can have a longer life. Have your trees examined immediately by a professional arborist if you suspect any of the above infections or pests’ infestation.